اهم الوظائف

السيسي: لا أنكر إحراق بعض السلفيين للكنائس

أكمل المقال
قال عبدالفتاح السيسي، إن الاعتداء على الأخوة الأقباط أمر غير مقبول، ولا يمكن أن يتخيل أحد أنهم يفعلوا ذلك باسم الدين الإسلامي أو باسم أي دين آخر.

وأضاف السيسي، في حوار لصحيفة لوفيجارو الفرنسية، نشرته الجمعة، أنه لا يمكن إنكار أن بعض السلفيين أحرقوا الكنائس القبطية، ولكن ليس هم فقط الذين فعلوا ذلك، موضحا أن الإسلام الصحيح يوصي خيرا بالمسيحيين.

وأشار إلى أن الدستور الجديد يضمن للأقباط حق ممارسة شعائر دينهم بكل حرية، ولن يتم التساهل أبدا مع أي اعتداء على الكنائس أو أي شكل من أشكال العنف.

وأوضح: «نريد بناء مصرنا الجديدة في إطار من مبادئنا العريقة من التسامح وتطلعات الشباب إلى الحداثة، وذكر أن ذلك أدى إلى قيام ثورتين في ٢٥ يناير ٢٠١١ و٣٠ يونيو ٢٠١٣، أما الرجعيون الذين يريدون تدمير هذه الروح الجديدة من الوفاق والحداثة فليس لهم مكان عندنا».

وظائف شركة عيسى للسيراميك

أكمل المقال
اعلان وظائف شركة عيسى للسيراميك
تكلب لفرعها بمدينة نصر :
محاسبين - مراجع حسابات - مندوب مشروعات - مندوبين مبيعات 
سائق كلارك وعمال مخازن .

وظائف جريدة الاخبار الجمعة 28/11/2014

أكمل المقال
اعلانات وظائف جريدة الاخبار اليوم الجمعة 28 نوفمبر 2014
شركة امن كبرى تطلب افراد امن ومشرفين امن .
مطلوب فني حدادة ولحام وبراد وميكانيكي .

وظائف هيئة المجتمعات العمرانية الجديدة وظائف ل 50 مهندس للعمل فى المحافظات المصرية

أكمل المقال
وزارة الاسكان والمرافق والمجتمعات العمرانية 
وظائف هيئة المجتمعات العمرانية الجديدة 
تعلن عن حاجتها لعدد 50 مهندس تخصصات :
(مدنى - عمارة - كهرباء - اتصالات - ميكانيكا - مساحة )
وذلك للعمل فى المحافظات والمدن الاتية :
 القاهرة الجديدة - بدر - 15 مايو - العبور - خليج السويس - الشروق - العاشر من رمضان - الصالحية الجديدة - دمياط الجديدة - 6 اكتوبر - السادات - الشيخ زايد - النوبارية الجديدة - برج العرب الجديدة - حماية املاك الهيئة - القري السياحية - بني سويف الجديدة - الفيوم الجديدة - المنيا الجديدة - اسيوط الجديدة - سوهاج الجديدة - اخميم الجديدة - طيبة الجديدة - اسوان الجديدة - قنا الجديدة )
وظائف جريدة الجمهورية الجمعة 28/11/2014 .

وظائف الصحف المصرية الجمعة 28/11/2014

أكمل المقال
اعلانات وظائف الصحف المصرية الجمعة 28/11/2014 .
مطلوب فورا صيدلي ومساعد صيدلي بصيدلية مستشفي كبري بغرب الاسكندرية (الوظائف للاناث فقط) ويشترط :
خبرة من سنة - سنتين في نفس المجال
السن لا يزيد عن 26سنة
من مناطق العامرية والعجمي
يرجي ارسال السيرة الذاتية علي الايميل sama.2525@yahoo.com

مطلوب كيميائي/ كيميائية للعمل بمعمل تحاليل طبية بالعصافرة. براتب مجزي. يشترط الخبرة.
العنوان: ميامي الجديدة. إمتداد شارع 45. شارع أسكوت متفرع من طريق مصطفى كامل.
تليفون: 01222576250 - 01011646741
مطلوب لمعمل تحاليل طبيه في محرم بيك كيميائين خبره في سحب العينات للاستفسار الاتصال على :3925353 - 01211160306
مطلوب "صيدلى ثانى" شيفت مسائى من (6 _ 12) بصيدلية بالمعمورة
للإستفسار ت/01004102485
مطلوب محاضرين ادارة اعمال لوجيستية
please send your CV on ; info@eaacgroup.com
مطلوب محاضرى Android and mobile applications فى مركز اسكندرية للتدريب (ATC)
برجاء ارسال الـسير الذاتية الى
وارسال اسماء الدورات الممكن محاضرتها فى محتوى الرسالة
مطلوب مساعد او مساعده لمدرسه احياء متفرغ ويفضل دارسين للاحياء للاستعلام 01223458882
مطلوب مسوق او مسوقة الكترونيا لتسويق العقاري لشركة العمار بمرتب ثابت + عمولة للاتصال : 01000030621 -- 01208000257
شركة AMS تعلن عن حاجاتها عن :

Responsible import and export web -

بمرتب مجزي - يشترط اجادة الانجليزية ايجاده تامة

* للاتصــال / ت: 3013774 – 3013775 م : 01229737868
مطلوب لمجموعة شركات فرج الله
مصمم جرافيك
بالمتطلبات الأتيه:-
1- مؤهل عال:-
2- القدرة التامة على استخدام برامج Photoshop ، illustrator
3- حديث التخرج او خبرة لاتزيد عن سنة.
4- تأدية الخدمة العسكرية او الأعفاء منها
5- من قاطنى الأسكندرية.
6- ذكور فقط.
7- يتمتع بحس ابتكارى.
8- ترسل السير الذاتية على البريد اللكترونى التالى dev.hr@faragalla.com مع كتابة اسم الوظيفة.
شركة مقاولات واستثمار عقارى كبرى تطلب للتعيين
1- مدير إدارة استثمار وعلاقات عامة
خبرة لا تقل عن 5 سنوات فى نفس المجال
2- اخصائى توكيد جودة (QA) خبرة لا تقل عن 3 سنوات فى نفس الوظيفة
3- مدير مشروعات خبرة لا تقل عن 5 سنوات بنفس الوظيفة
4- اخصائيين تسوق ومبيعات عقارية خبرة لا تقل عن 3 سنوات فى نفس الوظيفة .
5- مدير مكتب فنى خبرة لا تقل عن 5 سنوات فى نفس الوظيفة
يتم ارسال السيرة الذاتة على الايميل amr.yousry_hr@ymail.com
مطلوب فورا لشركة إستثمار عقاري كبرى
مسئولين مبيعات حديثي التخرج او خبره عامين على الاكثر ..
مؤهل عالي
متحرك .. لبق .. لديه القدرة على التحدي
حسن المظهر
لديه القدرة على مواجهة الصعوبات واتخاذ القرارات
نوفر :مرتب ثابت -عمولات -تأمينات وعقود عمل
ترسل السيرة الذاتية مرفقة بصورة شخصية حديثة على :
مطلوب علي وجة السرعة شباب من الجنسين للعمل في مجال التسويق الخارجي لدي شركة كبري لفلاتر المياة
شروط العمل:
1.المظهر العام
2.الاسلوب الحضاري
3.الخبرة في عملية البيع او التسويق عن اي منتج من قبل
4.الذكاء واستيعاب المعلومات
للاستعلام: 01289192537_0121387977_01023048504 اوعن طريق المتابعة من خلال التعليقات او عن طريق whatsapp من خلال الارقام السابقة
مع تحيات ادارة شركةاكو ايجيبت لتكنولوجيا معالجة مياة الشرب (مقر الشركة بميامي العيسوي)
مطلوب محاسبه للعمل بمحل بمحطه الرمل حديثى التخرج تجيد العمل على الكمبيوتر المواعيد من 10.5ص الى10.5 م بمرتب 1000جنيه بالشهر
يفضل قرب السكن للاستفسار 01282243052
مطلوب محاسبة للعمل بمصنع بلاستيك بالعامرية – أسكندرية
بمرتب مجزي و قابل للتفاوض و يفضل أن تكون من سكان العجمي
أو العامرية لقرب المسافة . ( يشترط الخبرة )
لتحديد موعد المقابلة برجاء الاتصال علي : 01227951353
مطلوب مدرسة انجليزي الاكسنت ممتاز لسنتر تعليمي
مطلوب موظفة استقبال لفترة مسائية (٣,٣٠ - ١٠ مساءًا)
برجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتية hayatmedlabs@gmail.com
او الاتصال على ٥٨٢٨٨٨٤
دار تحفيظ قران من اقدم الدور في الاسكندريه و لها اكثر من فرع طالبه معلمات اطفال بشروط:
1.حفظ جزء عم و تبارك بالتجويد.
2.دوره فى نور البيان.
3.علوم شرعيه فقه و توحيد.
4.اجتياز المقابله الشخصيه.
علي الراغبات الاتصال علي الارقام التاليه:
مطلوب مدرسة لحضانة بسموحة من ٨ الي ٣
للاستفسار.. ٠١١١٩٢٢٤٢٩٧ الاتصال من ١٢ظهرا الي ١٠م
مطلوبب للعمل بمعرض مطابخ الومنيوم
سكرتيره تجيد اعمال السكرتاريه واداره الاعمال حسنه المظهر بمرتب مجزى جدا وعمولات مواعيد العمل والاجازات حسب الاتفاق

رقم الهاتف 01068246824
Lecico is currently hiring in Alexandria for different positions in different fields with the below requirements
• 0-2 years of work experience
• excellent command of the french language
• strong organizational skills
• strong interpersonal skills
interested applicants may send their resumes with a recent photo to
delbishbishy@lecico.com.eg mentioning the code "FR-02" in the subject
required for company resident in Alexandria
Indoor telesales and marketing specialist
Qualifications commerce graduated female
Working hours 9 Am - 5 PM friday +saturday off
Please send your CV info@optimizers-ems.com
Positions opening at Amideast /Egypt, Alexandria

- Testing and Customer Service Assistant - Alexandria Office
- Senior Sales Specialist - Alexandria Office
- EducationUSA Adviser - Alexandria Office
- IT Senior Specialist - Alexandria Office
- HR and Admin Assistant - Alexandria Office
- IT Intern - Alexandria Office

For job details visit http://www.amideast.org/egypt/careers

All interested applicants should submit an updated resume and a cover letter via e-mail to HR-egypt@amideast.org
Trade Sales Representative - Cairo, Giza, Alex, Behira, Dakahlia, Sharkia, Gharbia and Monofia
Abbott - Cairo - Egypt
Full-Time Job Apply Method - External site
Posted Date - November 10, 2014 Expiry Date - N/A
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Job Description
Abbott is a global healthcare company devoted to improving life through the development of products and technologies that span the breadth of healthcare. With a portfolio of leading, science-based offerings in diagnostics, medical devices, nutritionals and branded generic pharmaceuticals, Abbott serves people in more than 150 countries and employs approximately 69,000 people.
Follow us onLinkedIn

*Core Job Responsibilities:*
• Develop a strong network in the territory, ensuring that all key influencers are frequently visited with management. Develop and establish relationship with all pharmacy teams

• Develop a routing system that optimizes coverage and frequency to consistently achieve call metrics

• Use commercial policy and value proposition to determine strategy and tactics to maximize customers’ growth and commitments towards Abbott

• Execute store-checks, check stock levels and follow-up sell-out data at each visit

• Customize approach to customers when relevant.

• Ensure that Abbott’s brands are effectively available in, visible when applicable, and actively recommended

• Establish good relation with distributors in assigned territories

• Ensure availability of Abbott products in assigned Distributors

• University Degree

• 0-3 years of commercial/sales experience that involved working closely with customers to deliver results

• Experience in health care (OTC, Gx), Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and/or Retail is preferred.

• Good understanding of Trade Marketing activities

• Strong presentation skills – Consultative selling skills – Negotiation skills

• Good command of English

**Job:** *SALES*
**Organization:** *EPD-EstPharmDiv*
**Title:** *Trade Sales Representative - Cairo, Giza, Alex, Behira, Dakahlia, Sharkia, Gharbia and Monofia*
**Location:** *Egypt-Cairo-Cairo*
**Requisition ID:** *14000009UH*

Apply to
Customer Representative Opportunities in Egypt - Alexandria Job (Alexandria, EG)
Merck - Alexandria - Egypt
Full-Time Job Apply Method - External site
Posted Date - October 30, 2014 Expiry Date - N/A
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Job Description
Customer Representative Opportunities in Egypt - Alexandria-SAL003843


MSD is a global healthcare leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, vaccines, biologic therapies, and consumer care and animal health products. Today, we are building a new kind of healthcare company – one that is ready to help create a healthier future for all of us.

Our ability to excel depends on the integrity, knowledge, imagination, skill, diversity and teamwork of people like you. To this end, we strive to create an environment of mutual respect, encouragement and teamwork. As part of our global team, you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate with talented and dedicated colleagues while developing and expanding your career.

MSD is a trade name of Merck & Co., Inc., with headquarters in Whitehouse Station, N.J., U.S.A.


· Responsible for closing direct sales of products and/or services in order to meet individual/team targets and the organization\'s business objectives.

· Creates, monitors and revises lead generation plans to generate a substantive sales opportunity pipeline.

· Responsible for sales calls directly from/to prospective and/or existing customers.

· Responds to customer questions.

· Effectively builds rapport with customers by probing for needs and recommending appropriate solutions.

· Achieves monthly, quarterly, and annual sales objectives, while ensuring the optimum customer experience and satisfaction by following established processes and procedures

Our employees are the key to our company’s success. We demonstrate our commitment to our employees by offering a competitive and valuable rewards program. MSD’s benefits are designed to support the wide range of goals, needs and lifestyles of our employees, and many of the people that matter the most in their lives.

MSD is an equal opportunity employer, proudly embracing diversity in all of its manifestations.



· Pharmacy , Medicine, Veterinary, or Dentistry Graduate

· Excellent communication skills

· Results oriented with ability to meet deadlines and handle challenging assignments

· Very Good command of English language

· Very good in Computer skills.

· Competent presentation skills.

· Self-motivated and energetic with drive to excel

Job: Sales Job Title:Customer Representative Opportunities in Egypt - Alexandria

Primary Location: EMEA-Egypt-Alexandria-Alexandria

Employee Status: Regular

Apply To
English Language Instructor - Alexandria Office
Position Posting

Job Title English Language Instructor
Unit /Department Education
Reports to: Education & Training Manager
Location Alexandria office, Egypt

The English Language Instructor position is responsible for teaching adults at all levels. Apart from teaching hours, instructors are expected to prepare lessons, exams and attend instructors meetings.

Tasks and Responsibilities:
Tasks and responsibilities for this position include but are not limited to the following:
• Design supplementary materials;
• Arrive early and start teaching the class on time;
• Follow the designed syllabus for the course;
• Provide feedback to supervisors as necessary;
• Turn in daily attendance records;
• Attend instructors' meetings;
• Correct homework, quizzes and all assignments;
• Assist in activities designed for student development; and fill in the payment request on a monthly basis.

Qualifications Required:
1. English language teaching certification
2. University degree
3. Minimum 3 years teaching experience
4. Preferable Master’s degree
5. Able to teach in Alexandria on a regular basis
This position posting is not intended to be all-inclusive, and the instructor will also perform other reasonable related business duties. The Instructor contract does not constitute a written or implied contract of employment.
All interested applicants should submit an updated resume and a cover letter via e-mail to
Please state the position title in the subject field.
IT Intern - Alexandria Office
Job Title IT Intern
Position Classification Intern Full time
Unit / Department IT
Reports to: IT Senior Specialist
Location AMIDEAST Alexandria Office, Egypt


The fundamental task of the IT Intern is to ensure that computers technology equipment and systems work reliably and smoothly, facilitating the work of personnel and causing the least disruption possible to staff and clients of AMIDEAST. The IT Intern also assists in maintaining all Assets equipment and related peripherals and activities.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

• Implement and Troubleshoot Desktop computers Hardware and software to make sure of their performance and software updates.
• Troubleshoot classrooms and all labs IT peripherals such as Desktop computers, LCDs and sound systems, to make sure of their availability, functionality and performance.
• Supports conferencing equipment and technologies such as Lync and Skype.
• Troubleshoot the CSMS system to make sure the time attendance reports and the daily sign in-out is process is working as per AMIDEAST standards.
• Maintain and audit IT Storage and device exits.
• Troubleshoot ADSL connections and Wireless Access points.
• Supports online applications and exams.
• Install and troubleshoot the SRA
• Carrying on procurements of locally-purchased IT equipment and Toners.


• Microsoft Certified Professional or equivalent.
• Fluent in English.
• Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite.
• Good communication skill
• Ability to learn new tasks quickly
• Ability to take decision
• Friendly, outgoing, and professional attitude.
• Able to work on a team.
• Precise attention to detail, organizational skills, and ability to work under pressure

• IT-related experience. Working with Windows systems and applications in specific.


This Postion Posting is not intended to be all-inclusive, and the employee will also perform other reasonable related business duties. AMIDEAST reserves the right to change job duties and responsibilities as needed. This Postion Posting does not constitute a written or implied contract of employment.


This position is being posted internally from September 10th, 2014 to September 21st , 2014.
All interested applicants should submit an updated resume and a cover letter via e-mail to
HR-egypt@amideast.org .
HR and Admin Assistant - Alexandria Office

Job Title: HR and Admin Assistant
Department: HR
Immediate Supervisor: Senior HR Specialist
Location: AMIDEAST Alexandria Office

Position Summary:
The HR and Admin Assistant role is to assist the HR Department with the completion of the day-to-day operations of the Personnel duties and responsibilities to maintain proper compliance with the Egyptian labor law and the HR internal policies and procedures.

• Lead the cleaning team on all their daily duties and makes sure the required tasks are well performed.
• Handle and follow up the Time and Attendance process by recording the daily staff attendance and generating monthly reports.
• Create and maintain open channels with the labor law and social insurance offices to be aligned and updated with any changes in country laws and officials legislation;
• Entering and updating employee information into AMIDEAST databases.
• Assist in planning and preparing AMIDEAST events.
• File regularly any official papers or documents in the staff personnel files as well as the Instructors, Trainers, consultants and interns files to maintain proper documentation and tracking of updates;
• Assist in the timely preparation of contracts/renewal of contracts.
• Maintain the required level of relationship with government entities, utilities companies and facility management suppliers to finalize all daily required administrative and maintenance work.
• Prepare any written correspondences to any Egyptian governmental entities (Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of foreign affairs, social Insurance……etc).to facilities the completion of assigned tasks;
• Arrange the reservation of cars for any business trips;
• Track the monthly leave records of the staff.
• Track the due dates of signed contracts, end of Probation Periods, end of Maternity leave, change of annual leave accruals.
• Assist in the hiring and the termination process by making sure that the official hiring documents are complete incompliance with the Egyptian Labor Law;
• Assist the HR Senior with any sheets/reports that might be required.
• Overseeing the Janitors daily work, prepare the daily work schedule for them.
• Assist in all Office Procurements and Purchases to better meet AMIDEAST standards with minimal cost.
• Assist the office with the Maintenance, Renovations, Logistics, and Supplies to meet AMIDEAST standards.


• High Level of interpersonal skills
• Knowledge of office administration procedures
• Attention to detail
• Quality and result oriented
• Ability to maintain a high level of confidentiality

• A University degree
• Good knowledge of Egyptian Labor Law and Social Insurance Law
• Good command of spoken and written English
• Proficiency in Microsoft Office

Work Experience:
From 3-5 years of experience in a relative field

This position description is not intended to be all-inclusive, and the incumbent will perform other reasonable business-related duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor and other managers when necessary. AMIDEAST reserves the right to change duties and responsibilities as the need arises. This position description does not constitute a written or implied contract of employment.


This position is being posted both internally and externally from October 15th, 2014 to October 27th, 2014. All interested applicants should submit an updated resume and a cover letter via e-mail to HR-egypt@amideast.org
EducationUSA Adviser - Alexandria Office

Department: Advising Department
Immediate Supervisor: AMIDEAST Alexandria Director
Job Location: Alexandria, Egypt, AMIDEAST Office

Position Summary:

The Alexandria-based EducationUSA Adviser plans, leads, and oversees all advising-related activities linked to studying in the U.S. This includes advising individuals and providing information on U.S. higher education, student needs assessments, U.S. university application and selection procedures, maintaining and updating the EducationUSA resource library and online resources, and delivering outreach informational presentations throughout Egypt. The Adviser is based at AMIDEAST’s Alexandria office, but does outreach to all the Delta area, as well as to other locations based on an annual outreach plan developed in coordination with the Cairo Advising team and the U.S. Embassy and Consulate. EducationUSA Egypt is administered at AMIDEAST under a cooperative agreement from the Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs to promote U.S. higher education and study opportunities in the United States.


• Manage the AMIDEAST Alexandria EducationUSA Advising Center including all information sessions, outreach activities, and cohort-based advising programs to help student’s access U.S. higher education and have a successful U.S. study experience.
• Represent EducationUSA, the U.S. Department of State, AMIDEAST, and advocate for U.S. higher education.
• Ensure that all AMIDEAST and EducationUSA/U.S. Department of State rules and regulations are being followed and implemented.
• Develop and implement annual advising and outreach plans, including developing and monitoring program budgets and AMIDEAST department annual budget.
• Develop and update engaging presentations and materials for public information sessions, and tailored presentations for specific outreach events, adhering to EducationUSA design and branding guidelines.
• Administer cohort advising groups including Competitive College Club.
• Create and update informational EducationUSA handouts and flyers adhering to EducationUSA design and branding guidelines..
• Conduct public information sessions about U.S. education.
• Deliver group sessions on U.S. higher education using the Five Steps to U.S. Study, including on specific fields and on particular study/work related topics. Provide tailored one-on-one consultations, assessing students’ qualifications and needs and providing advice on required admissions tests and documents.
• Manage the implementation of Opportunity Funds and any other grants issued to the AMIDEAST EducationUSA Center by the U.S. Embassy.
• Liaise with the Department of State, U.S. Embassy/Consulate, and the Regional Educational Advising Coordinator (REAC) on the administration of all EducationUSA activities.
• Liaise with the U.S. Embassy Consular Office, keeping the Cultural Affairs Office informed, regarding student visa sessions and other outreach activities in the local consular district.
• Plan and organize outreach to local high schools, public/private universities, and other strategic locations in order to promote United States higher education to Egyptian students and families.
• Respond to inquiries from e-mail and walk-ins regarding the American educational system, application procedures in U.S. universities, and other EducationUSA services.
• Organize activities and events for the annual International Education Week.
• Prepare monthly statistics, updates and narrative reports for the REAC and AMIDEAST/Washington DC.
• Promote relevant public events such as the annual American College Fair.
• Work with public and private academic institutions and organizations to distribute information about scholarships and exchange programs.
• Attend training and professional development opportunities and apply acquired knowledge in work.


• A Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field
• Excellent interpersonal skills, written and oral communication, and group presentation skills
• A minimum of 2 years of work experience in a relevant field
• Fluent in English and Arabic
• Availability to travel domestically and internationally
• Excellent computer literacy in MS Office; comfort with major social media tools (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
• Ability to organize and maintain a large amount of detailed information and keep records
• Accountable personality able to proactively take responsibility and follow it through completion.
• Able to work independently
• Ability to multi-task and prioritize responsibilities
• Demonstrated enthusiasm and energy for U.S. higher education and working with students

• A Master’s degree or other higher education study at a U.S. college or university
• Advising experience
• Strong, detailed knowledge of the Egyptian and U.S. higher education system , financial aid and scholarship opportunities, and application process

This position description is not intended to be all-inclusive, and the incumbent will perform other reasonable business-related duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor and other managers when necessary. AMIDEAST reserves the right to change duties and responsibilities as the need arises. This position description does not constitute a written or implied contract of employment.


This position is being posted both internally and externally from November 16th, 2014 to November 30th, 2014. All interested applicants should submit an updated resume and a cover letter via e-mail to
Senior Sales Specialist - Alexandria Office

Department: Sales
Immediate Supervisor: Alexandria Director
Location: Alexandria Office

Position Summary:
Responsible for all AMIDEAST sales activities in assigned projects and/or regions, with the work falling into three main areas:
1. Supporting pre-sales activities by giving detailed information about various products and the ways in which they could meet a customer's needs;
2. The actual sale involves negotiating a commercial agreement to the benefit of both customer and AMIDEAST;
3. Customer care, which follows the sale, may include solving issues, as well as exploring the possibility of further sales.


• Present and sell AMIDEAST products and services to current and potential clients.
• Understand customers' diverse, specific business needs and apply product knowledge to meet those needs.
• Prepare action plans and schedules to identify specific targets and to project the number of contacts to be made.
• Follow up on new leads and referrals resulting from field activity.
• Identify and develop new business through networking, and follow-up calls;
• Cold-call in order to create interest in products and services and generate new leads.
• Identify sales prospects and contact these and other accounts as assigned.
• Prepare presentations, proposals and sales contracts.
• Develop and maintain sales materials and current product knowledge.
• Establish and maintain current client and potential client relationships.
• Manage account services through quality checks and other follow-up.
• Prepare a variety of status reports, including activity, closings, follow-up, and adherence to goals.
• Communicate new product and service opportunities, special developments, information, or feedback gathered through field activity to appropriate company staff.
• Coordinate staff across departments to accomplish the work required to close sales.
• Participate in marketing events such as seminars, trade shows, and telemarketing events.
• Assist Finance department in follow-up on collection of payment when requested.
• Manage schedule to organize and prioritize daily and weekly goals.
• Contribute to team and progress meetings to update and inform colleagues.


• Bachelor's Degree and at least five years of sales/marketing experience.
• Knowledge of advertising and sales promotion techniques. Visibility requires maintaining a professional appearance and providing a positive company image to the public.
• Good command of English language
• Work requires significant local travel to current and potential clients. This requires the possession of a valid driver’s license within 30 days of employment.
• Willingness to work a flexible schedule including occasional overnight travel and weekend and/or evening work.
• Owns a car and has a valid driving license
• Excellent written and oral English language skills
• Computer literacy in MS Office
• Ability to organize and maintain large amount of detailed information
• Ability to multi-task and prioritize responsibilities
• Excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills
• Ability to work independently and accept responsibility
• Ability to persuade and influence others
• Ability to develop and deliver presentations.
• Ability to create, composes, and edits written materials.

• Experience in proposal writing in English and Arabic languages
• Experience in U.S. education and exchange activities
• Marketing experience/degree

This position description is not intended to be all-inclusive, and the incumbent will perform other reasonable business-related duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor and other managers when necessary. AMIDEAST reserves the right to change duties and responsibilities as the need arises. This position description does not constitute a written or implied contract of employment.


This position is being posted from November 16th, 2014 to November 30th, 2014. All interested applicants should submit an updated resume and a cover letter via e-mail to HR-egypt@amideast.org
Testing and Customer Service Assistant - Alexandria Office

Department: Testing
Immediate Supervisor: Testing Coordinator
Location: AMIDEAST Alexandria Office

Position Summary:
The Testing and Customer Service Assistant is responsible for supporting the testing and Customer Service departments in all aspects of AMIDEAST’s testing programs. Advice and respond to all handling customers, inquiries, proctoring exams (once certified), completing necessary paperwork and updating databases. The Testing and Customer Service Assistant supports the work of the unit as a whole to ensure that the testing and customer services standards are efficiently met.


• Work on split time basis between Testing and the Customer Services teams
• Verifying testing materials and maintain test security and integrity at all times
• Comply with all test dates provided on critical test date schedule; sending registration forms, preparing and distributing tests admission tickets and scores.
• Verify scores received with those on the SharePoint and respond to related customers’ requests
• Observe SAT testing centers to ensure that they meet the College Board requirements
• Act as Prometric Test Center Administrator
• Implement Prometric Test Center rules and regulation and the testing client standards
• Register candidates for local and computer-based examinations.
• Proctor institutional and official ETS examinations according to set rules and regulations to maintain test security.
• Provide high quality customer service to all AMIDEAST clients and test-takers.
• Assist customer service team in the testing programs by working as part of the team in their customer facing setup.
• Continuously works to improve the support of the testing team to the customer services team to make them autonomous and capable to responding directly to the customers.
• Perform customer services tasks


• Bachelor’s degree
• Excellent English and Arabic oral and written communication skills
• One to two years of work experience
• Excellent team player and customer service focused
• Precise attention to detail and excellent organizational skills
• Flexible personality, ability to handle multiple tasks at one time and to work under pressure
• Proficiency in the Microsoft Windows environment, especially Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook

2 years of work experience in testing and/or customer service.

This position description is not intended to be all-inclusive, and the incumbent will perform other reasonable business-related duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor and other managers when necessary. AMIDEAST reserves the right to change duties and responsibilities as the need arises. This position description does not constitute a written or implied contract of employment.


This position is being posted both internally and externally from November 16th, 2014 to November 30th 2014. All interested applicants should submit an updated resume and a cover letter via e-mail to HR-egypt@amideast.org

Logistics Specialist
ATEB Group
Date Posted 27-11-2014
About the Job
Procurement & Order fulfillment officer
Bachelor Degree (Faculty of commerce – English section)
Working Co-operatively towards a common goal
Good computer skills
Good English (Reading, Written& Spoken)
Can work under pressure.

Keywords: Procurement, Supply Chain , Logistics

Apply to Job
A multinational manufacturing company is currently hiring for the following vacancy.

Position: Export Coordinator

Location: Alexandria, Egypt

Gender: Female

Key Qualifications:

• Bachelor degree in Commerce or a relevant degree
• Minimum 1 year experience (preferably in the same field)
• Excellent proficiency of French
• Excellent interpersonal skills
• Excellent computer skills

Please send your updated resume including a recent photo to:
A multinational company located in Alexandria is seeking a "Maintenance Engineer" with the following qualifications:

    B.Sc. of Mechanical Power Engineering
    2-4 year experience in mechanical maintenance of rotary equipment

Company Information:
Career Values
Job Number of Vacancies:
Applying Email:
Job Gender:
Job Category:
Engineers › Mechanical Engineer
A multinational company located in Alexandria is seeking an "Inspection & Planning Engineer" with the following qualifications:

    B.Sc. of Mechanical Power Engineering
    2-4 year experience in mechanical maintenance of rotary equipment
    Vibration Analysis Basics (Certified)
    PM (CBM and TBM) activities planning, scheduling and execution

Company Information:
Career Values
Job Number of Vacancies:
Applying Email:
Job Gender:
Job Category:
Engineers › Mechanical Engineer

اندلاع اشتباكات بين قوات الأمنوالمتظاهرين بالمهندسين منذ قليل

أكمل المقال
فى خبر عاجل ورد الينا الان :
 اندلاع اشتباكات بين قوات الأمنوالمتظاهرين بالمهندسين منذ قليل .

1114 فرصة توظيف فى اكبر ملتقى توظيف فى مصر

أكمل المقال
من وظائف جريدة الاهرام الجمعة اليوم 28/11/2014 الاعلان عن :
1114 فرصة توظيف فى اكبر ملتقى توظيف فى مصر .
يشارك فى المعرض اكبر الشركات والبنوك فى مصر .

الجيزة: ثوار الهرم ينظمون تظاهرة مع بدء فعاليات "انتفاضة الشباب المسلم"

أكمل المقال
قام الثوار بمحافظة الجيزة، صباح اليوم الجمعة، بتنظيم تظاهرة حاشدة، بمنطقة الهرم، رفضا للانقلاب العسكري، والمطالبة بالإفراج عن المعتقلين، والقصاص للشهداء، في أولى فعاليات أسبوع "الله أكبر.. ايد واحدة"، التي دعا إليها تحالف دعم الشرعية.
ندد المتظاهرون باستمرار القمع الأمني لقوات الانقلاب داخل الجامعات، والمجازر التي ترتكبها مليشيات الانقلاب بحق أهالي سيناء وعمليات التهجير القسري التي يتعرضون لها.
أكد المتاظاهرون استمرار فعالياتهم الثورة حتى دحر الانقلاب العسكري، وإعدام قادته، واستعادة الشرعية، ومكتسبات ثورة 25 يناير.
ردد المشاركون عددًا من الهتافات الثورية منها "أنا مسلم مش حستسلم، مش حتنسيب الحق فاهمين ولا لأ، لم تركع أمة قائدها محمد، قولوا للسيسي واللي معاه مش حنركع غير لله".